Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Contact Sheet (Photos)

Cover sheet showcase

this is the contact sheet with all my photos. This proves I have a variety of shots and angles.

It also shows that I have included all the considerations stated in 'Shooting Intentions' from the facial expression and body language of my friend down to his costume

picture 2550 to 2555 were taken to test the camera, this is why my friend is out of position in the last two of these shots

Friday, 4 February 2011

Shooting Intentions

Although I have mentioned what the images of my magazine will look like in my layout diagrams, I will reiterate them in more detail here:

All of my images do not require a certain time period to be taken in, as I am going to attempt to cut around the person so it looks like the black colour scheme is part of the image, as such, my photos will probably be taken in front of a screen so I can darken the image digitally if needed

Cover Image: image of my friend Kyle, with a serious, almost emotionless stare, giving direct address
      Lighting: Dark, this will fit the colour scheme and will make it easier for me to lower the contrast to fit the colour even more. and adding to the seriousness and intimidation factors
      Costume Detail: My Friends fashion sense, I feel, fits perfectly with my magazine so he will be wearing everyday clothes which is black shirt (although, I will take some photos of him in a black hooded jumper) and black trousers. (fits the grungy feel)
      Camera Angles: I will take multiple images from various angles and choose the best one; I plan to take low angles, angles where he is level with the camera and angles where hes facing side on to the camera
      Camera shots: I will take various different ones; such as mid close ups, mid shot and close ups and choose the best

Double Page Spread Image: image of Kyle with his arms folded, with the same/similar serious look from the cover to fit the colour scheme and for the same effect
     Lighting: same as Cover Image for consistency
    Costume Detail: again, quite similar to the Cover for consistency. ALso, my freind has a KMFDM T shirt, which is an industrial brand, this genres music sounds very similar to rock, so I plan on using this so I can reference to it in the DPS interview article text as a question asking about it.
    Camera angles: this will either be a low angle or an angle where he is level with the camera
    Camera Shots: Will range from close ups and medium close ups to long/mid shots (where the waist is visible but not the legs)
The Contents image as stated in the layout diagram is the same image as the Double Page Spread. (may change when I have shot my photos)

The Fonts

This is a simple diagram showing what fonts I plan to use and where I'm going to use them.

this also shows the colour I will use

Thursday, 3 February 2011

InitIal Contents Layout

This is my contents page, this too, required hand drawn diagrams because of its complexity.

The main article image on the left will be the same image described in my double page spread.

Also, I have mentioned the existing band Kiss here, I do not plan to show images of them, I just had their name as a placeholder/example.

Initial DPS layout

this is a verty rough, hand drawn layout diagram of my Double Page Spread, as this required alot more detail than the cover the big image on the left will be
my freind kyle (mentioned in earlier posts) with his arms folded in a very dark contrast image to look dark, intimidating and serious to fit the recurring colour scheme (same colour scheme as the cover)

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Initial Cover Layout

This is a very quick mock up of my cover, using placeholders to show what I hope to put and where. although it isnt that detailed, I will be able to follow this when designing my cover; this may change during production as I may find I need to move things around to fit everything or I add something new that I may feel would be good during the design. What I plan to be in the placeholders at this time are described below:

Masthead: "RAWR!!" this is reference to a shout/scream a fan of or rock band of the wild kind of rock, I will make it white so it is readable, and the font style and size will fit its wildness (Large, Bold), this fits with the colour scheme as a 'Dark' colour scheme can be quite aggressive/intimidating, the band 'Kiss' come across the same way. Stands for 'Rock Addicts With Rabies' which enforces the wild, aggressive and intimidating feel tremendously

Slogan: "BURN WITH THE FLAME OF ROOOOCK! RAWWR!" gives a tremendous feel of wildness to the extent of being uncontrollble in order to directly assist the masthead. Rawr is also a reference to the mast head to connotate this direct assistance

Image: this will be a image of a freind of mine, whos hair and fashion sense fit my genre and planned colour scheme very well, I plan to make him have a very serious look on his face, as this still fits the colour scheme because I predict the colour scheme will make it look intimidating even though it contrasts with the wild masthead.

Anchorage Text: this will say "spreading Kyleism: the 16 year old one man band, and his many followers" this is because my freinds name is Kyle, and Kyleism makes it sound like a religion, some rock bands, (especially the more wild, screaming with electric guitar sort of bands)  have this edge to them, by having 'followers' making them seem like a religion. Also, the one man band part shows that I plan to adapt my cover to fit one of the questionnaire results on question 4 (of having interviews with bands)

Buzz Word: this is simply "EXCLUSIVE!" to assist the anchorage

Sell Line 1: "INSIDE: Band Biographies of the WILDEST bands!" this sell line will  cater to the second most popular answer of question 4, Band Biographies

Sell line 2: "Reviews of everything music straight from our mouths!" means that the imagainary writing team will review bands and songs, this is catering too the joint third answer of question 4, Reviews

Sell line 3: "Witness the kindling of a budding soul of rock!" means that the magazine is going to showcase a new talent, to cater to the other joint third answer of question 4

Dark colour scheme: this refers to the colour scheme of the Kerrang DPS I analysed and stated I was going to use.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

My Intentions

My intentions are to create a magazine in one of the rock genres (this will become specific in planning when I elaborate on my idea), through my research on existing magazines, I felt that the first double spread, 'Kerrang!' had the perfect layout and colour scheme (which seemed to be a convention for rock magazines of its type and it struck me as rock when I saw the spread, which means it could be somewhat stereotypical) for my idea to follow (wild side of rock; quite passionate, serious feel and with a 'dark' feeling colour scheme at the same time).

Through this layout convention I feel my idea will follow such layout by having a similar colour scheme to the Kerrang double spread giving it a dark and serious edge, as well as having pictures of people with what can be considered 'weird' hairstyles and a casual attire, therefore, my idea would be following rock conventions in a sense.

Through my Target Audience research (the questionnaire) I have been able to gain more generic, but essential information such as price and contents page layout, this will help me when planning the layouts and designing the pieces themselves.